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art director 1.(電影、電視的)美術設計人。2.美術編輯。

“ seven “ - invites seven acclaimed japanese art directors to share their successful experiences and ideologies in the creative process and to demonstrate the qualities of good designs 七“邀請了日本七位頂尖美術總監與我們分享成功經驗、創作理念及優質設計。

art form

We are especially grateful to scriptwriter liu damu and art director bill lui , who also contributed essays to this book , liu not only writes about his days eating and drinking with tsui , he also provides a transcript of a brainstorming session , taking us back in time to witness tsui s mind at work 劉大木和美術指導雷楚雄更為本書撰文,我們不勝感謝。劉大木不僅追溯和徐克一起吃喝的日子,還給我們筆錄編劇會議一段腦力激蕩的對話,讓大家返回昔日時光,見證徐克怎么構思故事。

While the former is a western educated intellectual who conducts extensive research on history , literature and mythology , the latter is a career martial arts director who is illiterate . with the two complementing each other in both temperament and style , the series reach levels of accomplishment seldom , if ever , attained in hong kong films . they are the result of an almost magical convergence of factors : an incubation of technological experimentation since 這個成就,其實是各種因素奇跡般走在一起產生的:蜀山后不斷試驗特技取得的成果歷史資料與天馬行空的想像力之間取得的平衡改編經典大刀闊斧的膽識西方影響與中國神話的結合香港電影市場正渴求既犬儒又浪漫的娛樂這是兩高人走在一起產生的化學作用,再配合市場獨特的時代因素,典型的天時地利人和。

Ms . natalia v . tikhonova , the art director for a russian company , piant , said that she was impressed that so many people in formosa were concerned about vegetarianism and environmental protection . she added that , to truly love nature , we must start by being vegetarians and practicing the spiritual life Natalia v . tikhonova小姐表示,福爾摩沙許多人民非常重視素食健康及環境保育的觀念,令她印象深刻,她認為要真正愛護大自然,必須從素食及靈性生活開始,這一點我們同修都已經做到了。

Century hero has appointed mr chen kaige , an award - winning chinese film director , as art director , and has signed up a number of top movie celebrities in china for its future productions . the company has also entered into an agreement with aol time warner to jointly invest about rmb 60 million to film 10 tv movies this year 世紀英雄委任了國際著名導演陳凱歌為藝術總監,并已簽下一批影視紅星,加強日后電影制作的實力。世紀英雄亦與美國在線時代華納( aoltimewarner )達成協議,共同投資約六千萬人民幣在一年內制作十部電視電影。

Chang cheh might not have a silvery tongue , but he sure had a keen eye , a big heart and embracing arms for talents . his long - time collaborators , including renowned screenwriters ni kuang , chiu kang - chien , martial arts directors tong kai and lau kar - leung , cinematographer miyaki yukio aka gong muduo , and the rest of his crew were among the elites of the industry 張徹閑話少說,卻愛才惜才,又能慧眼識英雄,曾跟他合作無間的編劇家倪匡和邱剛健武術指導唐佳和劉家良攝影師宮木幸雄以及一眾幕后功臣,都是深具名望和創意的一時俊彥,在張徹的電影中有巨大貢獻。

In preparing the exhibition , we have also searched for information on martial arts directors , such as lau kar - leung , tong kai , tung wai , chan siu - pang , etc . they speak of their early years , how they learned the martial arts , how they entered the film industry , and of the way they devised action scenes and weapons . each combat scene represents an achievement in our film production industry ; each story told an invaluable historical record 在籌備展覽的過程中,我們亦追溯了不少早年武術指導如何入行及學藝的資料,武指如劉家良唐佳董瑋陳少鵬等,都憶述了不少為武打功夫片特別設計的動作場面及武器,一幕幕精心設計的場面,一個個動聽的拍攝故事。

While he is actively pursuing his dream , his goddess kim kim hyun - ju enters his life at the same time and the two begin to develop an intimate relationship . . . as some may know , director daniel lee started off his film career as an art director , and he is also a good painter 整個劇情唯一可取的,是加插了幾段感情支線,例如阿邦吳建豪爺爺姜大偉的舊事阿邦和武館師兄弟的感情等,都搞得不落俗套,以一套依隨公式的爆谷電影來說,算是做到有聲有色。

Another vip , mr . peter ritzen , art director - general of the world renowned renaissance music society , said , i give my best greetings to the supreme master ching hai international association , i want to give all my love for the great things that the association is doing 比利時文藝復興音樂聯盟renaissance music society的藝術總監彼德李程先生peter ritzen也表示:有感于清海無上師世界會的善行義舉,在此獻上我最誠摯的祝福及所有的愛。

There ' s a crowd of about a dozen followers , including 1st assistant director colin fletcher , supervising art director peter russell , director of photography david tattersall , producer rick mccallum and stunt coordinator nick gillard 大約有一打人跟著在喬治的后面,包括首席助理導演科林?弗萊徹,藝術監督指導彼特?拉塞爾,攝影導演大衛?塔特薩,制片人瑞克?邁凱倫和特技協調人尼克-吉拉德。

Sprinkling a few leaves of licorice root : an art director contemplates the magic of tsui hark , art director bill lui remembers fondly tsui as a creative stimulus who , with his all - round knowledge , pushes his crew to give him what they never know they have 雷楚雄在撒下幾片甘草一文中,以景仰筆觸憶述徐克怎樣以廣博知識,成為創意的催化劑,令一同工作的人發揮從前沒發掘出來的本領。

The vivacity and inventiveness of design , the inquisitive , lively attitude of fashion , fresh , pleasure - loving and rather free - and - easy verve are the attributes that most decisively identify the new course of ragno , under art director ferruccio laviani 設計的活潑性與獨創性,栩栩如生的時尚氣息,鮮艷,愉快,以及隨意性都表現出了蜘蛛瓷磚新的特性。

The gold - plated bronze human figure , which is 34 . 3 cm high and weighs 3 . 9 kg , was created by american sculptor george stanley based on sketches made by american motion - picture art director cedric gibbons 奧斯卡獎杯是一座高34 . 3厘米,重3 . 9公斤的鍍金銅質人形雕像,它是由美國雕塑家喬治?斯坦利根據美國電影藝術指導錫德里克?吉本斯的草圖完成的。

A professional art director , who greatly admires master s paintings , produced the catalog and invitation card for the exhibition . he also introduced her works in his art magazine 一位專業的藝術指導者為這次畫展制作了目錄及邀請函,他不但對師父的畫作表達了無限的欽佩仰慕之意,而且還在他出版的雜志上免費介紹師父的畫作。

Oscar - winning art director dante ferretti chairs this year ' s competition jury , which includes german director edgar reitz and the american producer christine vachon 著名電影藝術導演、奧斯卡金項獎得主但丁?費拉提出任本屆電影節評委會主席,評委會成員還包括德國導演艾德加?萊茨和美國電影制片人克麗斯汀?娃珊。

Based on our oral history recordings , the development of hong kong martial arts films is revisited . interviews recollecting their past include prominent film directors , stars and martial arts directors 香港口述歷史訪問,由影人親談香港武俠功夫電影的演變、英雄俠女的形象、導演和特技鋪排等。

Ever since the movie camera moved out of the studio into the city space , film directors , production managers , cinematographers and art directors had realised the challenge of using public space 自從電影拍攝由片場轉移到都市尋找拍攝領域后,空間和地域感成為很多導演制片攝影和美指的挑戰。

Based on our oral history recordings , the development of hong kong martial arts films is revisited . interviews recollecting their past include prominent film directors , stars and martial arts directors 香港口述歷史訪問,由影人親談香港武俠功夫電影的演變英雄俠女的形象導演和特技鋪排等。

Special thanks go to art director elbert poon and jupiter s photographer friend wong hung - fei , who gave me a lot of hint on jupiter s way of taking pictures and how to appreciate his works 再鳴謝美指潘?森和木星的攝影師朋友黃鴻飛,他們就木星的照片內容和拍攝手法,提供了多面的觀賞角度。